Thursday, June 16, 2011

June 16th - Arrival and Armagh

A weary group of about 40 arrived in Dublin this morning about 8 a.m.  Not much sleep had by anyone on the 7 hour flight.  Fortunately the airport was quiet and it was easy getting through customs.  AND all of our luggage and equipment arrived.  It was about a 90 minute bus drive from the Dublin airport across the border to Armagh, Northern Ireland.  We picked up our local tour guide at the hotel and she gave us a tour of a few highlights of Armagh.  Most noteably, Aramgh is home to both the Catholic and Anglican churches of Ireland, each with a St. Patrick's cathedral.  We will be singing at the Anglican cathedral on Friday evening. 

After our tour we returned to the hotel to check in, grab some lunch and some rest.  We had a brief late afternoon rehearsal with the combined 30 person choir.  A magnificent space to sing in!  AFter the rehearsal we had a reception with the mayor of Armagh, followed by a lovely dinner in the hotel. 

Since this author has been awak for about 36 hours, \I will sign off for now but hope to be back at it in the morning.

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